Preparing to 3D print a prototyped chassis

Today, I continued to work on the chassis. I decided to use cardboard once again as I could not find a software to utilize my 3D-printer for this project. During...

Swapping out motorcontroller

Today I attempted to connect my motor and the L298N motor driver. I found out that I could keep the jumper and set the motor speed to be high or...

Prototyping a Chassis with Cardboard

Today, I started to work on building the foundation of my robot. I attempted building a potential design for how my robot would be structured. I planted my breadboard, Arduino,...

Purchasing the Robot's Eye-R's

Today, I experimented with the IR sensor. While experimenting with the sensor, I was able to see the limits of the accuracy of the sensor. From what I observed, I...

Liquid Crystal Display with Gyroscope Values

Today I worked with both the gyroscope and The LCD display. At first, I experimented with the gyroscope by checking the serial monitor. From the monitor, I saw that the...

Gyro and Sensors Galore!

Today I researched the importance of having sensors and the different types of sensors that can be used to aid the robot: