Today I was able to experiment with a Softpot Membrane Sensor. I learned that the Softpot Membrane Sensor was very similar to that of the Flex sensor. Both sensors sends...
Today I experimented with a photo resistor because it came in the kit and I wanted to know its capabilities and behaviors. I wanted to know I could potentially use...
Today I was able to experiment with LED Lightbulbs with Flex sensors. I learned that Flex sensors are resistors. In this experiment, the output of the flex sensor is connected...
Today, I learned to connect my uno to a breadboard with a potentiometer. Using the potentiometer, I was able to control the servo and have it spin. I also learned...
Today, my motor controller and other parts arrived. I now have LED’s, LCD displays, Piezo Speakers, wires, a servo motor, and 2 geared DC motors. I’m so excited to try...
Today, I realized that in order to make my motor run properly, I need a motor controller. I’m going to research to get a variety of extra part to test...