
Sophomore Summer Internships

This summer, I am interning at Deloitte as a Cybersecurity Analyst in New York City. I will be following up from my internship last year at Deloitte by starting off...

Sophomore Spring Semester Reflections

This past sophomore year, I was able to gain greater insight to my future career. As a Computer Science and Computer Engineering major, I had the opportunity to interact with...

Sophomore Fall Semester Reflections

Having completed my first year, it’s now time to start my second year at USC. Looking forward to taking another C++ programming class (CSCI 104) as well as my first...

2022 Summer Projects

Projects: Over the past few years, I have been constantly trying pursue my interests in the field of engineering. From trying out robotics to learning about 3D printing, I wanted...

A robot named 'Nibble' and Hiatus Announcement

Fun Fact: nib·ble (/ˈnibəl/) is a unit of data. In computing, a nibble is a four-bit aggregation, or half an octet. It is also known as half-byte or tetrade.

We got a 3D printer!

We purchased a 3D printer!!! I’m so excited. We are using the Creality Ender 3 Pro 3D printer for our robot endeavors. It’s an open source 3D printer so there’s...

Preparing to 3D print a prototyped chassis

Today, I continued to work on the chassis. I decided to use cardboard once again as I could not find a software to utilize my 3D-printer for this project. During...

Swapping out motorcontroller

Today I attempted to connect my motor and the L298N motor driver. I found out that I could keep the jumper and set the motor speed to be high or...

Prototyping a Chassis with Cardboard

Today, I started to work on building the foundation of my robot. I attempted building a potential design for how my robot would be structured. I planted my breadboard, Arduino,...

Purchasing the Robot's Eye-R's

Today, I experimented with the IR sensor. While experimenting with the sensor, I was able to see the limits of the accuracy of the sensor. From what I observed, I...

Liquid Crystal Display with Gyroscope Values

Today I worked with both the gyroscope and The LCD display. At first, I experimented with the gyroscope by checking the serial monitor. From the monitor, I saw that the...

Gyro and Sensors Galore!

Today I researched the importance of having sensors and the different types of sensors that can be used to aid the robot:

Softpot Membrane Sensor

Today I was able to experiment with a Softpot Membrane Sensor. I learned that the Softpot Membrane Sensor was very similar to that of the Flex sensor. Both sensors sends...

On-Off Photoresistor Circuit

Today I experimented with a photo resistor because it came in the kit and I wanted to know its capabilities and behaviors. I wanted to know I could potentially use...

Flexing with Flex Sensor

Today I was able to experiment with LED Lightbulbs with Flex sensors. I learned that Flex sensors are resistors. In this experiment, the output of the flex sensor is connected...

Playing with servo motor

Today, I learned to connect my uno to a breadboard with a potentiometer. Using the potentiometer, I was able to control the servo and have it spin. I also learned...

My parts arrived!

Today, my motor controller and other parts arrived. I now have LED’s, LCD displays, Piezo Speakers, wires, a servo motor, and 2 geared DC motors. I’m so excited to try...

Ooops, I need extra parts

Today, I realized that in order to make my motor run properly, I need a motor controller. I’m going to research to get a variety of extra part to test...

Intro to Arduino

Today, I started playing with the arduino. I tried connecting it with my computer and ran some testcodes to make the arduino blink. I played with a arduino uno. I...


2022 Summer Internship

Deloitte: My second semester at USC has already started once again as winter break came to an end. Having attend one semester, I now know my way around most of...

Reflection of Freshmen Fall

Finishing My First Semester: It is now December and I have officially just completed my first semester at College! While preparing for Finals resulted in a stressed two weeks, I...

Clubs and Organizations

Clubs I joined: One month has passed already since I have started attending USC. I have been able to make connections with others within my classes and have finally situated...

Starting College

Starting College: It’s now August and it has been four months since I recieved my notice of admission and two months since my high school graduation. After days of preparation,...

Hight School Graduation

HS Graduation: High School has truly been different fron what I expected when I was still in Middle School. From commuting over 4 hours each day to going to a...

College Acceptances

College Acceptances: 4 years in high school has blown by in a breeze. I have now taken thee next step in my education when I applied to college back in...