A robot named 'Nibble' and Hiatus Announcement
Fun Fact: nib·ble (/ˈnibəl/) is a unit of data. In computing, a nibble is a four-bit aggregation, or half an octet. It is also known as half-byte or tetrade.
Based on the 3D model I made on Fusion360, I was able to design and print my robotic chassis with the components I used to previously build the cardboard version. It’s super study and made of PLA. I printed it with 15% infill density and a 0.15mm layer height for more accurate through-holes to help with the alignment of the motors. The process of printing was so exciting and I couldn’t help but to watch it print layer by layer as if I were in a trance! The micromouse robot is thereby now named “Nibble”, I wanted to use “Nybble” but apparently there’s already a robot can named that, so Nibble would do.
Anyway, I would also like to announce that I will be taking a short hiatus from updating this website regularly. I’m starting to apply for colleges and high school just started again so I have a little more on my plate than expected. Please wish me luck! I’ll try to continue and update my latest progress on my repo at Kevin0u’s ArduinoRobotics2020 Repo whenever I get a chance to work on this project again. But this was definitely an interesting way to spend my summer and I’m glad I was able to at least make some prototypes at the end of it.