Softpot Membrane Sensor
Today I was able to experiment with a Softpot Membrane Sensor. I learned that the Softpot Membrane Sensor was very similar to that of the Flex sensor. Both sensors sends analog signals as an output. While flex sensor’s value change based on the radius of the bending or flexing of the sensor, the Softpot Membrane Sensor analog values change based on the area of where the pressure was applied. By placing pressure on different points on the sensor, I was able to dim the brightness of the LED bulb or increase the brightness to a maximum as the sensor. I was able to control the brightness by mapping the analog output of the flex sensor to PWM values, and setting Pin 3 as the output to the LED. I believe that the Softpot Membrane Sensor may be useful as a mechanism of analog input. It could be very helpful in controlling the speed of the motors in my future robot.